You invest a good deal of time and money in your wardrobe. Protect your wardrobe investments by putting into practice a few key tricks:
Keep your Dark's Dark. Dark clothing needs a little special attention to keep it looking it's finest. The advice I gave customers from my days of selling clothing many moons ago still holds true today. Indigo and black dyes are notorious for fading (hello 80's faded denim!) so turn your jeans inside out before washing, wash in cold and avoid the dryer whenever possible. Also remember to zip them up so they don't snag on some other unsuspecting item in the laundry. That goes for anything you wash that has a zipper.
Washable darks like pants and button-down shirts need to be treated the same way. Wash inside out, and in cold water. And don't forget about the effects of the iron as well. Keep the garment inside out when ironing to help prevent fading.
Lastly, don't over-wash your jeans or other darks. They only need to be washed every third wearing, spaghetti lunch notwithstanding.
Keep your White's White. To prevent those nasty yellow stains from occurring so fast on your otherwise brilliant white shirt, launder it after every use. What you can't see, such as body oil, perfume and even slight perspiration can start to yellow if not removed from the garment soon after wearing. You can also prevent nasty yellow armpit stains by wearing underarm shields.
Thoroughly examine your white shirts before laundering. Ring around the collar is easily solved by using a spot treatment with every washing. Also check the tips of the cuffs and other vulnerable stain areas to make sure that you don't set a permanent stain by not removing it before washing.
Tip: Take a cue from the pros...don't invest tons of money in white tee's and tanks. If you really love the fit buy two and rotate their use or just plan on replacing these items each year.